Yep, and more and more people are saying after a few weeks or a month or so, their Ender is printing out ovals. In addition, there is a big coupon code that let's me get the X5S for only 60 bucks more expensive than the Ender-4, win win right there. Well not all Chinese there are some exceptions like Anycubic has been pretty good, but their Deltas sign... Anyways. I think what I'm going to do is (almost 100% certain) is (I plan to get a printer every month until December, then stop there) get the Tevo Tornado in the next few days, then next month the X5S (to wait for reviews and also finish up my Hypercube Evo) then start looking at the Resin more (been following resin and doing research and such) and purchase my first Resin printer in November, followed by another one in December (hopeful sales? XD). I think that sounds good, though do advise me if you think that's not a good idea.