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  1. #21
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    At that price, as long as it works - who cares ?
    You're getting an $800 printer for $300 - and you're still complaining ?

  2. #22
    I agree with both of you. On one hand, it is a crazy value. On the other hand, I don't know the circumstances that somebody else returned it for. It looks like the bed has a Kapton film on it, but can any of you identify the second film on top of it? I'd rather not have it since I plan on using the whole bed, but I imagine that removing it will ruin the film it is stuck on. Also, there's plastic drips stuck to one of the nozzles. If it was returned, it was given the bare minimum of review before being resold to me, and I don't want to inherit somebody else's gremlins. We'll see what customer service has to say.

  3. #23
    I had already talked to customer service about a different issue. The print on the bed is the test print they do before they ship it out. Their customer service is great. I had an issue with the fan being too loud and they just shipped me a new printer which I received yesterday.

  4. #24
    So, I've only had a little time to play around with the new machine. Do I need to run this slower or cooler without the print area cooling fan mod? Here's the quick test print I set up next to one from my other printer:

    The top is very smudged compared to the other one. I'm also more used to using Cura, so I'm not sure if I'm messing up something in Slic3r. Any suggestions?

  5. #25
    I also ordered the KNP3D. Like you I had a noisy fan and was going to call to get it taken care of, but when I went to turn the machine on prior to calling them, it lit up, went 'click', and shut off permanently. Accugraphics got me a replacement out that day and a call tag to ship the broken one back. The new one works great and I've been testing a few different filaments through it. So far I've printed with Hatchbox Blue PLA, 3D Solutions Red PLA, and SainSmart Black ABS. The ABS I couldn't get to stick to anything till I found a post about using Hairspray on Glass with the Bed at 105C and the Extruder at 222C. It's worked great since using these settings. I did the 8x10 glass bed setup using the modified clips from The clips are just a hair (1/16") too long front to back so the glass slides a bit without tape but it's been great for everything I've printed so far. I haven't needed to clean and re apply the hairspray to the glass yet but I think I might soon, only because I've scuffed it a little using a scraper impatiently trying to get things to release. I had some Hatchbox Wood and Glow show up last week but haven't had a chance to print with them yet. Hello glowing eye'd wood Groot!

    I started using Slic3r, the read somewhere on here about MatterControl and was using that with good success till I got Simplify3d. I'm still playing around with the profiles trying to tweak everything for the best finish and time. Most of the default settings work well for me including 60mm/s print speed. I do use 30mm/s for the first layer. PLA seems to do good for me between 220 and 230 with 60c bed temp. ABS works great at 222 extruder and 105 bed. For the ABS I have a piece of acrylic that I prop up in front of the machine and place a plastic storage tote over top of the printer to keep the heat in. With the tote I just make sure not to wedge the filament tubes or block the rolls in any way. I haven't used rafts yet but I do print a skirt/brim around things. I've had good success with 20-30% infill with Honeycomb or Rectilinear. I made a Air Assist Nozzle for my laser yesterday, using Fusion 360. I printed using Concentric infill, which for the small size worked great.

    For me, I think getting the bed aligned was the hardest part, and one that can greatly affect print quality. Using a post-it-note I went around to all three knobs and adjusted the head to just where it was slightly rough running it under them. I think the thinner the paper the better, excluding tissue paper. I did have to loosen the left extruder and level it to the right. I loosened the left, pressed it down past the right, then slowly lifted the bed to raise the left up level with the right. It took several times but I was able to get it tightened without it moving after several attempts.

    This is my first 3d Printer and after finding this forum and through Curious Ardvarks guidance and messages I'm almost ready to jump on the Delta bandwagon. I really like the KNP3D and think it's a great bargain. I'm trying to get into the mindset that if it's not printing it's not making money!

    I'll post some picks when I have time.


  6. #26
    Is it worth buying a knp3d, even if shipping will cost me 150-200$?


  7. #27
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    that's a tricky one - where do you live ?
    Most likely you can get a qidi or monoprice froma local source that might be cheaper (essentially the same machine)

  8. #28
    I live in Sweden, but visit america every year. So shipping would be 70$, but then it would cost another 80-110$ for the luggage home.

    I can get a similar printer for 450-500$? Would prefer not to buy a printer right now, but if that price for the knp3d was a great deal, I'd buy it.

  9. #29
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    which amazon do you use ?

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    which amazon do you use ?
    Usually, or the new german one. Sometimes tricky with shipping, but can usually figure something out.

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