Well I've been happy with the extruder and hot end that came with my he3d k200 (shamlessly unsponsored plug) needed a ptfe tube in the hotend, no clue why it doesn't come with one already fitted.
But apart from that I've got a bowden delta than will happily print ANY flexible filament on the market.

Expensive add on's are optional.
Personally I wouldn't be without my printbite - you can keep all the tape, glue, spare beds, scrapers, coolant sprays etc I'll just print-n-go :-)
What an expensive add on does is take a cheap printer and seriously upgrade it while still keeping it way way cheaper than a machine that would have come with the upgrade in the first place.

Compared to most things in the modern world - basic 3d printers are now one of the cheapest tech gadgets around.
What do cell phones cost ? Apple crap, digital slrs, decent drones, action cameras - all more expensive than a cheap 3d printer.

And the thing about a 3d printer is that not only can you get a decent one (the monoprice mini is a great example) for around $200 - but it will let you make things to keep your other hobbies cheap.

I'm with you on not knowing anyone else with one. Well I've met sebastian finke, but unless we go to this years tct on the same day, I doubt we'll meet again soon.

I'm used to being the only person i know who has my interests :-)
One reason i like forums so much - a whole bunch of people with the same interest you can talk to without that blank look come over people's faces :-)

The thing with 3d printers at the moment is that unless you are also interested in designing your own stuff - they lack common appeal.
And they are still not as plug-n-play as modern society is used to.

Cheap is relative and as someone who always tries to get the best value i can, I know all about cheap ;-)