Read the Real story. Wanted it for a Hobby, Wanted to get in on the innovative side of this technology.

When was the last time you printed with your color ink printer.
When was the last time you folded a paper airplane.
Do You remember Kick the Can.

Children use to go outside not so much any more. So I printed a 5 Dump Trucks.
Now they go outside.

Printed 15 Bird Feeders.


Did not expect 50 Ducks. Dozens of Sparrows, and a few Morning Doves.

Printed Replacement Globes for my Yard Lights, and saved $219.00 having to replace them.

Printed a Ford Taurus Back Seat Latch holder Bezel, Price ~ No Longer in Stock.
Printed a Whole 3D Printer Frame.

3D Printer 1.jpg

3D Printer 2.jpg

165mm X 305mm X 280mm Guess you are only limited by your Imagination.
Thank You ThinkerCad