Apparently you don't have to wait very long :-)

So after a chat with my mate I realised that what i needed was a cable for a bedside lamp, and I also realised that I had such a thing upstairs attached to the bulb holder for my old biltong making box.

10 minutes later we're all wired up :-)

Securely fixed the cable to the top of the psu so that it can't pull on the actual contacts. Did I mention I was paranoid about electrickery ?

It Lives !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that's exactly everything you can do with the control panel.
The thermistors are working and the endstops register.
And no matter what you twiddle or press it doesn't do anything else.

So my first question. Can you get a delta version of sailfish that runs on a ramps 2 plus board ?

I'm used to an onboard firmware that actually lets you do stuff with the printer, not just a glorified readout.

Pleased that it works, but disappointed that you can't do anything practical without attaching to a computer.