Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
try pva stick glue - think I used abs with it. works well for pla.
Gave up on tape quite early on, was always leaving blue marks on prints.

so octoprint is just software ?
I had the impression it was a box you plugged into the printer.

And would it work with a raspberry pi b ? Got one I've never found a use for.
Though I don't think it's wireless. But I do have some tiny usb wifi dongles around
I'll look for the pva glue stick. Never had issues with bits of tape sticking to the part. But I use the green frog tape, sticks to the bed better, at least until ABS
Yes Octoprint is just open source software. It will run on Raspberry Pi A, B, A+, B+, B2, 3, Zero and Zero W..
here is a straight download image for Octopi, https://octopi.octoprint.org/
Astroprint, an earlier fork of octoprint, customized for user friendliness, and they offer a hardware / software solution.