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  1. #121
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    pc psu's - got a few - even a mini-itx one from an itx case that's now on my sisters desk in canada :-)
    Cost me £50 to get her a 120volt one - same psu would have been £15 over here.
    Watching alexa print this overhang is pretty amazing.

    Oh yeah when I'm wearing the helmet this is pretty much exactly what I'll look like - though I'm more a quarterstaff and axe man than swords.

    Don't have the costume but I do have the big ginger beard :-)>

    Might have to paint my pla viking axe as well lol (it's what i use to knock prints off the printbite when i can't be arsed to let it cool down)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-12-2017 at 04:17 PM.

  2. #122
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    wow 6mm aluminium bed !
    why ? That's massive overkill, plus would take all damn day to heat up.
    3mm should be fine, 4 at a push, what am i missing ?

    Plus if I'm using a pc psu for the bed, why not use it for the board as well.
    Easy enough to use a 500watt.

    Also why 1.8m vertical struts ? Current struts are 680mm. so to extend print height to 600mm I would only need 980mm verticals - you'd use 1metre lengths, just to save messing about chopping little bits off. If you go any taller you'll need to switch to 3mm filament and life's too short to have to buy two different filament thicknesses.

    You're talking about a 1.5 metre build height. That wouldn't even fit in my workshop, unless I left it on the floor lol

    The struts I'd have to buy, but any plate would be free.
    These guys are clients of mine - and I like to keep the favour ratio in my favour :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-12-2017 at 04:55 PM.

  3. #123
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Thinking about it, pretty much the only thing you can't buy off the shelf or easily make are the corner pieces. I love the multi use design of those.

    But I guess it would be simple enough to design something much easier to print.

    Wonder what it would cost to do it completely from scratch.

    The arms are only aluminium rods in sockets. So might be able to get them free as well.

  4. #124
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    lol yeah but can you get it off again ?

    That's the real beauty of printbite, not only does stuff stick to it - but it comes off without any hassle as well.
    And as I've had prints richochet around the room in the past - getting it to stick is not as important as being able to get it off afterwards.

    Getting struts cut to size - not a problem I've got a bandsaw, but in reality I'd just pop round to jsk and get them to do it :-)

    At the moment if I'm going to build from scratch I'll probably have a go at the inverted delta first.
    That looks like fun :-)

    Helmets looking good. Although at thye moment looks like a standard bmx helmet. Guess the last 3 bits make the difference.
    And the painting.

    Spotted need for another mod.
    The carriage wire bundle really needs to be held either up or out a lot more on larger prints.
    The second set of helmet quarters are the other way round, and i can see the cable catching it at later points in the print.

    The cable really needs to go almost straight up with a flexible rod to hold it away from any prints.
    At the same time you've only got a few cm if it's at the edge of the plate and near a strut or belt.
    Hmm, I'll have a think :-)
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-13-2017 at 05:48 AM.

  5. #125
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    That's the easy bit done :-)
    had the annual visit with my accountant yesterday. she has way more good ideas than I do.
    So she reckons find someone who already does craft shows and fairs and let them sell widgert and things for you.
    So that's one thing I'm going to try.

    You're missing the point of printbite. You don't have to bugger about bending the plate. once it's cooled down - the print is no longer stuck, at all. Tpu sticks to pretty much anything and just peels off - so that's probably the worst test you could possibly do.
    If they can show me printed polycarbonate sticking to something and then easily releasing - that I'd be impressed with.

    So plans for the helmet.
    File the joins as flat as possible, glue. Then run round the seams with the printing pen and sand flat. Should give a reasonably seamless finish. Currently about to print a couple mini helmets to play with.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-14-2017 at 05:53 AM.

  6. #126
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    here's the 2 small ones:

    Given that they were knocked out at 150mm/s and 0.3. Not bad. The inside at the top is pretty good.

    The quarters at the apex were actually building out on the horizontal. Bloody impressive.

    Need to get some silver/metallic paint now :-)

  7. #127
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    where'd you get the bearings ?

    And have you got pictures :-)

    So I'm thinking what is the actual physical speed limit of the printer ?

    If she can do 150mm/s at 0.3mm - she should be able to do 200mm/s at 0.2mm layer height. Same volume of plastic right.
    Or will that make her explode !

    How fast can the stepper motors turn ?

    I think it's something to do with inverting the y axis.
    It used to be fine, just printed what showed in the preview. then when I installed version3 it started showing text reversed in the preview but printing it fine.
    But with the delta it doesn't seem to matter what shows in the preview it always prints it reversed. Which is bloody weird.

    Sod it going to give it a go :-) Also test if text is right way round yet.
    right here goes super speed !


    well that works, still got text issues. doing it again with no inverted y. test looks mirrored on preview, so might print right way round.

    The fine detail isn't brilliant - but i reckon it would be good enough for that marble run - if I can ever slice it lol
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-14-2017 at 03:57 PM.

  8. #128
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    how'd you get 3 colours ?

    Looks neat.

    I'll try the visualisation thing :-)

    200mm/s is pushing it a bit - kinda loses the edges a bit.
    I'll stick to 150 I think. :-)


    yep that works - looks like crap, but doesn't crash.

    layer height 0.25 and 20% infill gets it down to exactly 8 hours. 270gms
    Hmm, dunno if I've actually aroll with that left. I will see.

    Cheers - good call :-)


    found a full roll of blue ingeo pla. The good stuff !
    This could end up being the biggest plate of spaghetti I've made to date, lol

    Holy crap it's 1.68 MILLION lines of g-code !
    45mb text file. average novel is around 0.3mb

    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-14-2017 at 04:46 PM.

  9. #129
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    Hmm, I think alexa is having problems counting up to 1.68 million.
    Just locked up.

    we'll have another go.
    Ah that's better, think it was s3d disconnecting that locked her up.
    here we go :-)

    I was playing with printed bearings a short while back. Got it down to about 1.5 cm. Didn't work.

    I reckon you could go down to about an inch and get it to work.
    Nozzle thickness not as much of an issue as getting the gap between gears right.

    Worth a play when I've done the marble run :-)

    Easily the single largest print I've ever done, as well as the most complex.
    1.68 MILLION instructions - I'm not getting over that in a hurry lol
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-14-2017 at 04:56 PM.

  10. #130
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
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    nope, what actually happened was that she stopped about an inch or so into the job.
    No jams, not a power cut, just stopped. All settings were fine when i went in yesterday morning, still heated, just waiting for the next instruction.

    I have been using the dirt cheap sd card that came with the printer. So presuming somewhere in the 1.68million lines of gcode, it got corrupted.
    Got a few brand new 4gb sd-cards lying around, I'll try again tonight with a new card.

    And the marble run will definitely print at 0.3 layer height. The bit that was done was at 0.25. No issues at all bar some stringing. So a furtle with the retraction settings, drop speed down to 120 and up layer thickness to 0.3.
    It'll probably need some blowtorching - to kill the cobwebs :-)

    Might have a go at painting a helmet to day.
    Though if my cases arrive, I have got a couple of base units to build for actual paying customers.

    Time lapse wise - remembered I got a better webcam with the ciclops 'scanner' (yeah right) so I'll dig that out of the box and find somewhere permament to attach it. Also need to source the professional version of the software.
    Last edited by curious aardvark; 07-16-2017 at 05:04 AM.

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