Filament holder works a treat. When i'm done with initial 'essential' modding I'll pop any models up on thingiverse.
The feet are pretty basic, I'll do better ones when i get round to it :-)

Currently doing a filamentless test print. Sort of a burn in. Just making sure that it will all run for a decent length period off the sd card, without wires getting caught, filament tube catching on the cradle, the whole thing going up in smoke etc
So I'm 'printing' a thin walled cylinder 250mm high by 150mm diameter. At 0.4 layer height and 80mm/s print speed. I doubt I could extrude reliably at that speed anyway :-)
Have discovered that I need to move the power supply and mount it vertically on the back of a strut, 'cos where it is the print head hits it at anything over 175mm diameter. Shouldn't be a problem.
Also discovered that I need to set a fairly large horizontal offset.
And that the heat bed removes 32.55 mm from the overall print height. So call it 267 rather than 300.

Other than that - the basic mechanics seem to be working well and the profile I set up in simplify 3d is doing the job nicely.

I even found a use for the 6 springs. Put them on the arms where they attach to the extruders. Seems to remove the tiny bit of wiggle I had there.
might not be what they were meant for, but at least they're being useful :-)

Oh yeah and I discovered the rest of the control panel menu - turns out if you push the twiddly knob in, it acts as a button !
Who knew ? Not me :-)
So while it's not quit as good as the menu on the replicators, it's a helluva lot better than I thought it was.
So that's good :-)