I'm new to 3D printing. I've been thinking about giving it a go for awhile now and I finally got myself to buy some gear. I just ordered two Monoprice Select Mini's, six 1k spools of black and white ABS, and some other little things. Can't to give this a try!

Originally I wanted to buy a more expensive 3D printer, something under 1000, but I swear... many in that range either didn't have a heated table, or something else it should have for that amount of money, or it had horrible reviews! I was so disappointed. If I was to spend more than a thousand, then things started looking better with the printers/ reviews, but I didn't want to do that. Then there was the little MP Select Mini, that seemed to be very popular and had great reviews, but was so cheap! I don't mind saving money, but you tend to get what you pay for, so I was a bit weary about it.

I am an electronics engineering student. I love building stuff. I was building awesome stuff from scratch before I went to school and now I'm getting back into it. The more I learn about electronics the more itchy I get to start building things. I mainly want to use this machine to build smart parts to be used to build larger stuff. I want to design and print brackets, clips, little boxes for circuit boards, little display panels, panels for buttons and switches, etc. I'm not super into printing artsy sculptures etc.

Any use these machines to print stuff to sell and make some money? If so hows that going for ya? I was thinking about printing small useful hardware to sell here and there for money.
