Be interested to see 'the monster' - when it actually exists :-)

As far as chinese built printers go - My flashforge creator is an awesome piece of kit.
Well made, reliable and was extremely well packed when i got it. I'll recommend flashforge build quality all day long.

My klic-n-print.
While also based on the replicator dual - is a full metal framed beast that you wouldn't want to drop on your foot ! I 'think' it was made in the usa.
It doesn't use the standard rep-clone build plate, it's a couple cm larger in each direction, which would suggest custom made rather than existing off the shelf.

They both have their good points - but build quality wise - very little to choose between them.

That said the flashforge rep clones do cost a lot more than the equivalent ctc machines, and the ctc's do seem to be made from cheaper parts. So as with any industry - regardless of country of origin - there will always be better and worse companies.