OK just so we know this going in I'm new to 3D printing as well S3D, so I'm going to approach this from an IT perspective and deal with the Software and Hardware.

1) The Voltage (ie. Electricity) on the USB cable shouldn't be a red flag most devices have a 5 volt charge +/- so that the computer will detect it when its connected.

2) I would avoid connecting the printer via a USB Hub or any other in-line device, just plug it directly to the printer - once you confirm it works then you can explore alternate options.

3) I checked your earlier posts but saw nothing specific in regards to installing drivers for your unit, this link:


is from the Sharebot website and has profiles for your printer to be used with Simple 3D

I would 1st confirm I installed the drivers on your computer (also restart after the install - sometimes its required even if it doesn't prompt you too.) after you restart test your USB port with a USB flash drive for verification. Plug in you printer and turn it on (if its not on already) then look in Windows device manager to see if it shows an unknown device or something, if not then it should be installed ok. In S3D you should be able to use the Machine control panel to connect to the printer.

Note when I installed my printer (which is a Makerfarm Kit) I had to install the driver and identify which communication port is was using ("\\com3" is mine) once I did this the printer was detected just fine.

The strange behavior during prints could be in the gcode for the item you are printing, the stl could have errors or (if you never loaded the Profiles from Sharebot) the outputted gcode could be for a different printer. Simple stl models may not have the same problems as more complex stls.

Also if the heated bed is not working could be related to the gcode changing temps mid way through the print or not being turned to the correct temp or on at all.

Quick Recap: Make sure you have the drivers installed and the printer is detected in the S3D use Machine control panel (here you can play with the printer axis's and Nozzle and Bed temps) once you confirm its installed correctly you can play with the profiles and tweak for filaments.

Good Luck