
At least the last time I went through the servo leg approach, simply finding a servo that was temperature stable was a major chore. I wound up with a collection of servos that drifted between 30 and 90 degrees as the temp changed from room up to 100C on the bed. Even with the one I finally used the change was around 10 degrees between an 80C bed and a 110C bed. Not a lot of fun.

I have been running my Pegasus for about six moths now. I find that it needs a re-level roughly every month or so. Each time it's off by at least 0.05 mm on a couple of points. Since that's half of a 0.1 mm layer ( or 1/4 of a 0.2) .. it's a big deal. Yes, I could over-extrude the bottom layer and make things less sensitive. I don't like ugly bottoms on parts .....
