So I've had my printer for about 2 weeks, and much happier now that I switch to a glass bed with the glue sticks(thanks for all the tips). Any prints I do that are square come out perfect and stick great to the bed until the glass cools then they pop right off.

Now that I'm past the early stages and getting into more complex prints I'm lacking the knowledge on how to get these rounded prints to come out good. For example I'm looking to print this thing:

Should I be using supports in S3D? The overhangs started to look like this and I halted the job:
The thing says no supports needed, but knew it would be a mess, especially if it made it to the teeth

What are some good setting to start with if I'm using supports? I have used them but the support side of the model is always rough.

Is this a temp issue possibly? I was using ABS 110C/220C with a .1mm layer height and sloowww print speed of 35 mm/s