Hey Guys,

Thanks so much to everyone for the continued support. The campaign is now 180% funded!

Just a few updates. It looks like the Early bird perks are running out with just two Prometheus 1.75mm Early Bird perks remaining!

Many people were asking about bowden integration and I have been working on a solution for this. At this point, I need a bit of info from all of you about your bowden needs! I am asking that you please take a few moments to post your preference of "bowden" or "standard" hot end in the comments. For the bowden hot end you will need a specific pneumatic coupler that fits into the heat sink. I am using the same modified John Guest couplers that E3D uses so if you already have a few then you are good to go. Later on I will add these couplers as add-on perks that will ship with your hot end. I will need to know if you need just one coupler for the heat sink, or if you want to order a pair of them. I also need to know if you need PTFE bowden tubing with your order. I will add these as optional add-on perks later but I just want an idea of what everyone needs now.

TL/DR: You need to post a comment on the campaign page: indicate whether you ordered "1.75mm" version or "3mm" version and post "bowden" or "standard". If "bowden": post "one coupler", "two couplers", or any required number of couplers, etc... If you need bowden tubing: post "750mm bowden tubing", "1000mm bowden tubing", or any required length, etc...

Thanks everyone! Let's keep this campaign moving!

Happy printing
