Well. Today I managed to load the drivers for the arduino board.

HINT: If you are having trouble getting the drivers loaded, go to the arduino folder and find the drivers.zip and unzip it. Then let the computer look in the arduino\drivers folder to install the Mega 2560 drivers.

After that, I was able to upload the firmware from Makerfarm.

Then I was able to connect through Pronterface.

Then everything crumbled.

The extruder and bed heated OK, but the Y axis moved in reverse even though it was connected the same way as it always had. The X axis moved OK. The Z axis is still where it started, and the extruder worked.

I replaced the original stepper drivers with Stepsticks. Does anyone know if you have to tweak them before they can be used? I don't think so because the X axis is controlled by one.

I could not get a print started using the SD card. (I wonder if it's because I used Slic3r 1.0.0)

So now my printer is sitting in my workshop and still not working. Bah!

Old Man Emu