Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
well it'd be a lot easier for me in openscad.
Looked at the tutorial and after a couple years with openscad all that mouse work just looks too bloody complicated lol
Draw a thing and then make it another thing and then make that yet another thing before you can print it. It's all very long winded.
All i have to do is make a scalable module with a few user changeable variables and the thing is the thing - if you see what I mean :-)

But next time I have the inclination, I'll do you a scalable openscad script to post alongside the freecad thing :-) With annotations, so it's tutorial like.
The more stuff I['ve got out in the wild, the more work I'll hopefully get - it's a theory :-)

I could actually do with some more widget trays.
Kept running out of things to put the tiny rc parts in last night. the small tires you practically had to pick up with tweezers.
We would be interested in a tutorial for making it in openscad, we'd be happy to create a post for it. We have not started with openscad yet but Freecad does have an Openscad workbench. One reason why we would be interested is that we need to create a rather bespoke curvy shape and we have not been able to adequately do this in freecad yet.