Quote Originally Posted by Roxy View Post
You should be uploading Marlin RCBugFix found here for the easiest path forward: https://github.com/MarlinFirmware/Marlin/tree/RCBugFix
Thanks a lot for you answer Roxy! Unfortunately it seems it runs with repetier...

So that what I have done:
  1. Getting all the files needed:
    1. Something called "UpdateFw_melzi.bat" that runs "avrdude.exe" using the proper COM and a file named "P802NV20.hex"
    2. Sanguino
    3. What they called "source code" which is the Repetier project
    4. Repetier host and server
    5. Arduino IDE (last version) & serial port driver (everything was already installed as I play with arduino)

  2. Putting the jumper to USB config on the main board
  3. Powering the printer, plugging it to the computer (board initializing -> red led on for 2 seconds and off, LCD screen off, cooling fan on). The computer detected it -> COM4
  4. Installing repetier server and host
  5. Trying to install/upgrade the firmware, it freezes: screenshot.jpg
  6. Putting Sanguino into the "hardware" folder of Arduino install
  7. Launching Repetier.ino
    1. Choosing the "sanguino W/ATMEGA 1284P 16Mhz" board
    2. Choosing the COM4 port
    3. Verifiying the code (I had a problem and I needed to put the "libraries" and "core" folder that where on the "repetier" one inside the arduino install dir, otherwise it will compile all those files which are inside a subfolder of the .ino project) -> OK
    4. Uploading the code -> "avrdude stk500_getsync() not in sync" error -> meaning that the board is not reachable

  8. I spend a lot of time correcting the problems above... Then, I was tired, I mechanically launched "repetier server" and oh surprise, my printer is here...
  9. Setting the printer with the proper parameters
  10. Starting a print:
    1. the 0-Z is too low and the extruder touches the bed... so the first layer remove the blue tape
    2. LCD screen is still off
    3. Result of the first print firstPrint.jpg
    4. The first 8mm are fine, the other layers are not attached to each other

Ok so there are a lot of things and problems... Here is a little summary:
-> 2: Why LCD screen is off and how do I put it on?

-> 4: Why the firmware installation is freezing and how to properly install my "P802NV20.hex" one?

-> 6.4: Why have I the "avrdude stk500_getsync() not in sync" error and how do I reach the board?

-> 7: Why is it possible to reach the printer using repetier host/server and impossible with cmd/arduino IDE?

-> 9.1: How can I set a Z-offset?

-> 9.4: I think the problem is because the temperature of the bed warm the first layers and not the other one and/or the printing speed is too high, is that right?

Thanks a lot again =)