It's not really got anything to do with your settings, it's your bed surface

You are probably printing on Kapton tape, and PLA doesn't like it very much. Go and get some Blue masking tape (they call it painters tape) from your local hardware. Buy the fattest one you can so you don't have to use more than bout 3 strips to cover the bed.

PLA will stick to this like glue, guarantee - yes you can lay it over the top of your kapton tape and remove it when you want to go back to ABS - just adjust your bed SLIGHTLY to compensate for that extra 0.1mm of tape.

Set your Bed to 65c and your Hot End to 208c for PLA on the Flashforge. You need to print slightly hotter because it doesn't have a geared extruder and will slip and 'click click click' if you don't print hot enough.

Some people say 208 is too hot for PLA and try 200... well, try 200 and if it feeds OK, then sure use it - but if you hear that clicking sound, well, try 205. For me, 208 seems to be the magic number for pretty much all the PLA I use.

Print yourself a Cooling duct tho, you will need it. PLA gets lifting edges really bad if you don't have sufficient cooling. Because the FF fan is ABOVE cooling the aluminium block and not the nozzle, your prints get ZERO draft - which is great for ABS... but Baaaad for PLA.