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  1. #1

    Help with possibly bricked Qidi Tech printer?

    NOTE: I just now signed up for this forum because I have this issue, and you might notice this issue is also found on I want to get as much help as possible as quickly as possible. I hope I can get my printer fixed.


    So I have a Qidi Tech 3D Printer and I wanted to put Sailfish on it.
    I had seen this thread ( ) and I followed Adam's advice on installing the firmware (following this video: ).
    I made a mistake, though. When I went to install the 7.6 firmware in ReplicatorG 0040, I accidentally installed Sailfish 7.6 (I had already updated the preferences in the ReplicatorG 40r33 Sailfish).
    At first, the printer did like in the video, and just froze up. But when I went to install Sailfish proper, it wouldn't work. I tried Sailfish 7.1, 7.6, and 7.7.
    I then at one point tried going back and installing the normal 7.6 firmware in ReplicatorG 0040, that didn't work.
    Eventually I had restarted the printer by turning it off and on, and now the LCD screen is completely blank.
    Makerbot Desktop does see the printer, and I can access all the EEProm's even. When I go try to update the firmware in Desktop it shows the printer having firmware 7.6. I tried firmwares 7.2, 7.3, and 7.5. None of them worked.
    I did the same in both versions of ReplicatorG. Again, no result.
    ReplicatorG will say the printer's firmware is Unknown v0.0, Unknown v7.6, or nullvar.
    I have tried pressing the reset button before, after, and at the same time I press the upload firmware button.
    I can't tell if I just need to keep at trying to upload a specific firmware, or if the printer is bricked and I need one of those AVR programmer things.

  2. #2
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    When I went to install the 7.6 firmware in ReplicatorG 0040, I accidentally installed Sailfish 7.6 (
    So from what I can figure. you wanted to install 7.6. You did install 7.6. and then you tried to install just about every other firmware yoiu could get your hands on.
    No wonder the machines confused, so am I :-)

    I have tried pressing the reset button before, after, and at the same time I press the upload firmware button.
    I can't tell if I just need to keep at trying to upload a specific firmware,
    yes - BUT just the firmware you actually want. Don't go pissing about trying to install every other thing you can find on it.

    It's the old adage: do one thing right. Not ten things badly.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by curious aardvark View Post
    So from what I can figure. you wanted to install 7.6. You did install 7.6. and then you tried to install just about every other firmware you could get your hands on.
    I was trying to first install 7.6 from the makerbot firmware link (As it says in the video I linked). I wanted to END the installation with Sailfish 7.1 (As it says in Adam's post in that forum I linked).
    The Qidi Tech doesn't support Sailfish beyond 7.1, but for some reason when I tried (by mistake) uploading Sailfish 7.6 via ReplicatorG 0040 (which is NOT meant to be used for uploading Sailfish), my computer said the upload succeeded.
    Then I tried the Sailfish 7.1 that I wanted and it refused to work. over, and over, and over.
    I took a shot at Sailfish 7.7 at one point because I all the talk I've found about the Qidi only talk about up to Sailfish 7.6, so I was hoping Sailfish 7.7 might have added some support or something (this was after many, many attempts at the other two versions of Sailfish).
    Then I started looking at other discussions about bricked 3d printers similar to the Qidi (Flashforge, CTC, etc).
    Several people said when they thought they'd bricked their printer they managed to upload a Makerbot firmware after a bunch of different arbitrary conditions.
    So I tried uploading Makerbot 7.2 (the firmware the original Creator 1.0 is based off of) in Makerbot Desktop and ReplicatorG (both). I tried Makerbot 7.3 because several people with similar printers said that they managed to upload Makerbot 7.3 on their printers when they did some specific things (all of which I attempted to replicate). I eventually tried Makerbot 7.5 as a last-ditch effort hoping that the most recent version would have some bug fixed that I needed.

    I didn't install the 7.6 I wanted. I didn't try "just about every other firmware".
    I had a reason for each thing I tried, and I tried many times before I did something else.

    My real worry is that I screwed up the bootloader when I tried the wrong firmware initially. I have already seen people say that the symptoms I'm seeing with the printer could require the use of an AVR programmer, but the information confirming this is spotty at best.

  4. #4
    I've been trying to upload the firmware via AVRDUDE.
    The following is a snippet of what happens when I run AVRDUDE with the following:
    " avrdude -C[path]/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -v -patmega1280 -cstk500 -Pcom3 -b57600 -D -Uflash:w:[firmware .hex file]:i "

                                      Block Poll               Page      Polled
               Memory Type Mode Delay Size  Indx Paged  Size   Size #Pages MinW  Max
    W   ReadBack
               ----------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ ----- ---
    -- ---------
               efuse          0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  9000  90
    00 0x00 0x00
                 Memory Ops:
                   Oeration     Inst Bit  Bit Type  Bitno  Value
                   -----------  --------  --------  -----  -----
                   READ               31     VALUE      7      0
                                      30     VALUE      6      1
                                      29     VALUE      5      0
                                      28     VALUE      4      1
                                      27     VALUE      3      0
                                      26     VALUE      2      0
                                      25     VALUE      1      0
                                      24     VALUE      0      0
                                      23     VALUE      7      0
                                      22     VALUE      6      0
                                      21     VALUE      5      0
                                      20     VALUE      4      0
                                      19     VALUE      3      1
                                      18     VALUE      2      0
                                      17     VALUE      1      0
                                      16     VALUE      0      0
                                      15    IGNORE      7      0
                                      14    IGNORE      6      0
                                      13    IGNORE      5      0
                                      12    IGNORE      4      0
                                      11    IGNORE      3      0
                                      10    IGNORE      2      0
                                       9    IGNORE      1      0
                                       8    IGNORE      0      0
                                       7    OUTPUT      7      0
                                       6    OUTPUT      6      0
                                       5    OUTPUT      5      0
                                       4    OUTPUT      4      0
                                       3    OUTPUT      3      0
                                       2    OUTPUT      2      0
                                       1    OUTPUT      1      0
                                       0    OUTPUT      0      0
                   WRITE              31     VALUE      7      1
                                      30     VALUE      6      0
                                      29     VALUE      5      1
                                      28     VALUE      4      0
                                      27     VALUE      3      1
                                      26     VALUE      2      1
                                      25     VALUE      1      0
                                      24     VALUE      0      0
                                      23     VALUE      7      1
                                      22     VALUE      6      0
                                      21     VALUE      5      1
                                      20     VALUE      4      0
                                      19     VALUE      3      0
                                      18     VALUE      2      1
                                      17     VALUE      1      0
                                      16     VALUE      0      0
                                      15    IGNORE      7      0
                                      14    IGNORE      6      0
                                      13    IGNORE      5      0
                                      12    IGNORE      4      0
                                      11    IGNORE      3      0
                                      10    IGNORE      2      0
                                       9    IGNORE      1      0
                                       8    IGNORE      0      0
                                       7    IGNORE      7      0
                                       6    IGNORE      6      0
                                       5    IGNORE      5      0
                                       4    IGNORE      4      0
                                       3    IGNORE      3      0
                                       2     INPUT      2      0
                                       1     INPUT      1      0
                                       0     INPUT      0      0
                                      Block Poll               Page
               Memory Type Mode Delay Size  Indx Paged  Size   Size #Pages MinW  Max
    W   ReadBack
               ----------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ ----- ---
    -- ---------
               lock           0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0  9000  90
    00 0x00 0x00
                 Memory Ops:
                   Oeration     Inst Bit  Bit Type  Bitno  Value
                   -----------  --------  --------  -----  -----
                   READ               31     VALUE      7      0
                                      30     VALUE      6      1
                                      29     VALUE      5      0
                                      28     VALUE      4      1
                                      27     VALUE      3      1
                                      26     VALUE      2      0
                                      25     VALUE      1      0
                                      24     VALUE      0      0
                                      23     VALUE      7      0
                                      22     VALUE      6      0
                                      21     VALUE      5      0
                                      20     VALUE      4      0
                                      19     VALUE      3      0
                                      18     VALUE      2      0
                                      17     VALUE      1      0
                                      16     VALUE      0      0
                                      15    IGNORE      7      0
                                      14    IGNORE      6      0
                                      13    IGNORE      5      0
                                      12    IGNORE      4      0
                                      11    IGNORE      3      0
                                      10    IGNORE      2      0
                                       9    IGNORE      1      0
                                       8    IGNORE      0      0
                                       7    IGNORE      7      0
                                       6    IGNORE      6      0
                                       5    OUTPUT      5      0
                                       4    OUTPUT      4      0
                                       3    OUTPUT      3      0
                                       2    OUTPUT      2      0
                                       1    OUTPUT      1      0
                                       0    OUTPUT      0      0
                   WRITE              31     VALUE      7      1
                                      30     VALUE      6      0
                                      29     VALUE      5      1
                                      28     VALUE      4      0
                                      27     VALUE      3      1
                                      26     VALUE      2      1
                                      25     VALUE      1      0
                                      24     VALUE      0      0
                                      23     VALUE      7      1
                                      22     VALUE      6      1
                                      21     VALUE      5      1
                                      20    IGNORE      4      0
                                      19    IGNORE      3      0
                                      18    IGNORE      2      0
                                      17    IGNORE      1      0
                                      16    IGNORE      0      0
                                      15    IGNORE      7      0
                                      14    IGNORE      6      0
                                      13    IGNORE      5      0
                                      12    IGNORE      4      0
                                      11    IGNORE      3      0
                                      10    IGNORE      2      0
                                       9    IGNORE      1      0
                                       8    IGNORE      0      0
                                       7     VALUE      7      1
                                       6     VALUE      6      1
                                       5     INPUT      5      0
                                       4     INPUT      4      0
                                       3     INPUT      3      0
                                       2     INPUT      2      0
                                       1     INPUT      1      0
                                       0     INPUT      0      0
                                      Block Poll               Page
               Memory Type Mode Delay Size  Indx Paged  Size   Size #Pages MinW  Max
    W   ReadBack
               ----------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ ----- ---
    -- ---------
               calibration    0     0     0    0 no          1    0      0     0
     0 0x00 0x00
                 Memory Ops:
                   Oeration     Inst Bit  Bit Type  Bitno  Value
                   -----------  --------  --------  -----  -----
                   READ               31     VALUE      7      0
                                      30     VALUE      6      0
                                      29     VALUE      5      1
                                      28     VALUE      4      1
                                      27     VALUE      3      1
                                      26     VALUE      2      0
                                      25     VALUE      1      0
                                      24     VALUE      0      0
                                      23    IGNORE      7      0
                                      22    IGNORE      6      0
                                      21    IGNORE      5      0
                                      20    IGNORE      4      0
                                      19    IGNORE      3      0
                                      18    IGNORE      2      0
                                      17    IGNORE      1      0
                                      16    IGNORE      0      0
                                      15     VALUE      7      0
                                      14     VALUE      6      0
                                      13     VALUE      5      0
                                      12     VALUE      4      0
                                      11     VALUE      3      0
                                      10     VALUE      2      0
                                       9     VALUE      1      0
                                       8     VALUE      0      0
                                       7    OUTPUT      7      0
                                       6    OUTPUT      6      0
                                       5    OUTPUT      5      0
                                       4    OUTPUT      4      0
                                       3    OUTPUT      3      0
                                       2    OUTPUT      2      0
                                       1    OUTPUT      1      0
                                       0    OUTPUT      0      0
                                      Block Poll               Page
               Memory Type Mode Delay Size  Indx Paged  Size   Size #Pages MinW  Max
    W   ReadBack
               ----------- ---- ----- ----- ---- ------ ------ ---- ------ ----- ---
    -- ---------
               signature      0     0     0    0 no          3    0      0     0
     0 0x00 0x00
                 Memory Ops:
                   Oeration     Inst Bit  Bit Type  Bitno  Value
                   -----------  --------  --------  -----  -----
                   READ               31     VALUE      7      0
                                      30     VALUE      6      0
                                      29     VALUE      5      1
                                      28     VALUE      4      1
                                      27     VALUE      3      0
                                      26     VALUE      2      0
                                      25     VALUE      1      0
                                      24     VALUE      0      0
                                      23    IGNORE      7      0
                                      22    IGNORE      6      0
                                      21    IGNORE      5      0
                                      20    IGNORE      4      0
                                      19    IGNORE      3      0
                                      18    IGNORE      2      0
                                      17    IGNORE      1      0
                                      16    IGNORE      0      0
                                      15    IGNORE      7      0
                                      14    IGNORE      6      0
                                      13    IGNORE      5      0
                                      12    IGNORE      4      0
                                      11    IGNORE      3      0
                                      10    IGNORE      2      0
                                       9   ADDRESS      1      0
                                       8   ADDRESS      0      0
                                       7    OUTPUT      7      0
                                       6    OUTPUT      6      0
                                       5    OUTPUT      5      0
                                       4    OUTPUT      4      0
                                       3    OUTPUT      3      0
                                       2    OUTPUT      2      0
                                       1    OUTPUT      1      0
                                       0    OUTPUT      0      0
             Programmer Type : STK500V2
             Description     : Atmel STK500 Version 2.x firmware
             Programmer Model: Unknown
    avrdude: Send: . [1b] . [01] . [00] . [02] . [0e] . [03] . [90] . [85]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv:
    avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
    avrdude: Send: . [1b] . [01] . [00] . [01] . [0e] . [01] . [14]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv:
    avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
    avrdude: Send: . [1b] . [01] . [00] . [01] . [0e] . [01] . [14]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv:
    avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
    avrdude: Send: . [1b] . [01] . [00] . [01] . [0e] . [01] . [14]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    avrdude: Recv: . [d5]
    avrdude: Recv: . [01]
    avrdude: Recv: . [80]
    avrdude: Recv: . [8c]
    This was copied a minute or two after running the command mentioned above.
    The sections that say "avrdude: Send:" and "avrdude: Recv:" over and over continue on for a while with intermittent "out of sync" or "failure to execute command" errors spliced in.
    Eventually the program just stops and the firmware still hadn't taken.

    It seems that AVRDUDE is starting to upload a file, but for some reason it times out before it can finish or something.
    There is a green LED that flashes underneath the printer every time a new section of send and recv appears.
    When I try other '-c' parameters (like arduino) I just get an "out of sync" error after about three sends that each have one recv.

    I couldn't copy any more command prompt stuff since the whole "memory blocks" dump is longer than the command window.
    Anything else was repetition mostly of what is seen above, anyways.

  5. #5
    I guess in case anyone else runs into the same problem as me, I should update this thread to tell how I fixed the printer.
    I have already fixed the printer. Luckily the motherboard was not bricked.
    I ended up buying a sparkfun AVR Pocket Programmer (about $15) and re-flashed the ATMEGA1280 over ICSP using AVRDUDE. It worked like a charm and the firmware took immediately.

    If anyone has the same symptoms as me, your motherboard is probably not bricked. Fortunately, buying a simple AVR Programmer (like the sparkfun one) is cheaper than buying a new motherboard for the printer.
    Special NOTE: just make sure that the programmer can handle the flash size of whatever chip is controlling your printer's motherboard (the sparkfun programmer just barely can do a flash size of 128 kb, the size of the ATMEGA1280's flash memory).

  6. #6
    Super Moderator curious aardvark's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    congratulations on not giving up and finding a solution :-)

  7. #7
    Engineer-in-Training rcleav's Avatar
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    Oct 2015
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    Good to hear you got it going. Congratulations

  8. #8

    Need some more help if you are willing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryuluce View Post
    I guess in case anyone else runs into the same problem as me, I should update this thread to tell how I fixed the printer.I have already fixed the printer. Luckily the motherboard was not bricked. I ended up buying a sparkfun AVR Pocket Programmer (about $15) and re-flashed the ATMEGA1280 over ICSP using AVRDUDE. It worked like a charm and the firmware took immediately.If anyone has the same symptoms as me, your motherboard is probably not bricked. Fortunately, buying a simple AVR Programmer (like the sparkfun one) is cheaper than buying a new motherboard for the printer.Special NOTE: just make sure that the programmer can handle the flash size of whatever chip is controlling your printer's motherboard (the sparkfun programmer just barely can do a flash size of 128 kb, the size of the ATMEGA1280's flash memory).
    Hey. I'm still confused. I am new to avr programming and I messed something up while trying to change the fuse bits. How can I fix this? All I have is a blue screen on my Qidi Tech 1 right now. My fuses are set like this. L-0xFF H- 0xDA E-0xFC LB- 0x0F. Any suggestions?

  9. #9
    Student 3DPLUS's Avatar
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    I tried, and failed. Seem Qidi are unable to run the sailfish firmware :/
    My shop have 3 Qidi 3DPrinters , and I use it with pleasure :/

  10. #10
    Engineer Marm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryuluce View Post
    " avrdude -C[path]/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -v -patmega1280 -cstk500 -Pcom3 -b57600 -D -Uflash:w:[firmware .hex file]:i "
    I see you found a solution, but if this is the exact command string you've been trying, I think that may be your problem. Now I don't use AVRdude or even flash my printer, I just use the arduino IDE when programming my chips, so I may be way off here. But the bolded section usually needs replaced with a legitimate file name, not a generic place holder.

    Edit: Dangit, didn't see the OP date.

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