I've been trying to print this (http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:523343), and am running into a bit of trouble. Whenever I try printing any piece that ends with a pointed tip standing up, it ends up getting warped. Here (http://imgur.com/SPfn0Ly) is an example. Five attempts, all the same result. As far as I can tell, the problem is that once the printer gets to the final few layers, it doesn't leave enough time between layers for the plastic to cool and set before it starts printing the next one. I've tried to adjust the minimum layer time when slicing the file, but it doesn't make much of a difference. While the print does slow down a little, it isn't enough to stop the warping. And I'm sure it's been slowing down, I've printed a few test cubes that are 1x1x1cm, and the minimum layer time does affect the print time a little, but not much.

I'm printing with a Flashforge Creator Pro, slicing with the Makerbot desktop software. The default minimum layer time is 5 seconds, and the software won't let me put the time any higher than 30 seconds. I've tried using that setting, but I am not sure if the printer is actually taking that long for layers. Does anyone have any ideas about what to do to increase the minimum layer time, or what else I could do to fix this warping?