Quote Originally Posted by clough42 View Post
I've never succeeded with a hot bed and PLA. I've had my best success with blue tape and a cold bed. Cleaning the tape with alcohol or acetone caused the print to bond permanently to the tape. It worked great for me just on the tape, skin oil and all.


On the makerfarm for PLA I use glue stick and keep the bed at around 60°C and have good adhesion, on the Daughters Da'vinci JR without a heated bed I use blue painters tape and as you mention if I clean it with alcohol the parts can't be removed from the tape without pulling the tape off the bed surface.

What I don't like about the painters tape is the rough texture of the printed surface that was in contact with the tape. The other issue with tape is that sometimes the part will still warp and pull the tape away from the glass print surface even though the PLA is still stuck to the tape.

For me glue stick and heat seems to work the best