I missed the rest of this discussion, but what they are saying is true. Myself and Sam, the other bloke I have been working with on this project have been using Kobus' machine to produce parts for market.
To us, the biggest benefit was the use of the super-speed mode, which allowed us to test G-code out on each of the part and see how they printed, then re-writing and testing certain parameters.

On top of that, Gizmo's proprietary software is incredibly powerful compared to anything I've used. It works stupidly well, with the ability to change G-code on a LAYER TO LAYER BASIS!!!
This means where we needed solid geometry, such as mounting points, we could do this, but if we didn't need that at all, could run hollow or with infill at whatever percentage we needed.

I am still trying to sell my Muve, or at least work out how to readapt it to not use for DLP. It has potential to be rebuilt into a pretty sizable FDM machine, or with some work I could modify it into a casing for an SLS rig, but for DLP I have had nothing but bad luck. I think the most I have ever got successfully printed is about half a part before it stuffed up. This is probably due to this being my first build-yourself machine, but if you could put yourself in my position, would you not get the shits with it and want something like the Gizmo rig? I wouldn't even need their biggest printer to satisfy my requirements, even the jewelers' setup would do great work for me.