Hi Guys,

I have a Makerfarm i3v 12" with a Rambo controller board and hexagon hot end and when I run the 100mm extrusion test that was listed in the calibration video I get these massive changes in esteps that I can't figure out (more detail below). Also I noticed if I run the exact same extrusion test without changing the esteps in the LCD controller that I can get different amounts of filament consumed. The only thing I have changed from the stock kit was to use the Marlin 1.0.4 firmware, but I did modify it by comparing the Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h files line by line. I couldn't just paste the old makerfarm files since they changed the endstop #defines.

My question is what could be leading to the different amounts of filament extrusion for the exact same estep settings? I have tried reducing the speed to 50mm/min in pronterface in case the steppers were missing steps but that didn't seem to change things.

Raw Data:
I only started suspecting the extrusion wasn't consistent after a few runs so I have a start from 917.5 esteps/mm:

917.5 esteps = 1.7mm short (at 100 mm/ min)
900 esteps = 1.94 mm short (at 50 mm/min)
917.8 esteps = 3.79mm long (at 50 mm/min)

I did a few more tests but I can't find the data, it was at 100 mm/min and one run was about 2mm short, and the exact same run was about 5mm short.

Any ideas?