I tried to upgrade my extruder to a Nema14 belted variation of the itty Bitty single extruder. I could never get the e steps and calibration sorted as well as with the stock extruder so i switched back. Now, I am having the same issues!

For example. I started with the maker farm default 841 and proceeded to adjust the steps till I got a 50mm extrusion when called for. I ended up at about 926. I say about cause I could never get it to give repeatable results. One time it would be .5 under extruding, then it would 2mm over!

Once I got it close i figured I would print a calibration object and fine-tune the rate. It over extruded from the start. i ran print after print and now am all the way down to 821 and it is still not right.

Could the stepper driver be bad?