While 3D printing and drone creation have already been converging, that combination will now be reaching even greater heights, as NASA explores the use of additive manufacturing to create drones to send into space. This past week, it was revealed that NASA's Kennedy Space Center is researching the potential to send 'Extreme Access Flyers' where traditional rover-type vehicles cannot navigate. These drone-like vehicles would be able to travel using cold-gas jets rather than propellers, able to potentially operate autonomously on asteroids, the Moon, or Mars. A 5-food-wide prototype was made through a combination of off-the-shelf components and 3D printed parts. Read more about the potential of these Extreme Access Flyers here: http://3dprint.com/86313/nasa-space-drones-3d-print/

Below is a picture of the Space drone along with an image of a potential Martian volcano to explore: