So I have a Prusa IV3 12" with Rumba running the stock firmware from the installation guide. I have upgraded the X and Y idler to use the gear instead of the bearings. I also have a cooling fan (Not the Clough design).

I am having issues when printing cylindrical object. It specifically looks like the problem is coming from when the printer finishes a layer and then proceeds to the next. When doing so I believe it is oozing and leaving behind lots of errors.

I have tried to fix the oozing with retractions up to 2.5mm and other things including increasing the Z Axis speed. I am using Simpfly3D and can include any details you would like.

I am including two pictures the first shows the errors from the outside on the left and the right. Please note, if you look in the middle the layer adhesion actually looks rather nice. The second photo shows the inside of the print where you can see the extra material from the oozing.:

I would like to know what 3D Print board would recommended? My current settings below:

Retraction Distance: 2.00mm
Retraction Speed: 45 mm/s
Coasting Distance: 0.20 mm