Cool. Then the problem wheels are on my list of things to come back to. Thx.

So far things are assembled up to but not including the end-stops. Oh..., I did go ahead and bolt on the power supply and added some nylon spacers between the frame and supply, hopefully to give cooling a bit more of an edge. Also added washers to all the motor mount screws.

Most things went together requiring little or no adjustment afterwards (OK..., ignoring the wheels), and things seem "sound" enough for initial testing without immediately revisiting them.

I've decided that the build is going to move to my sorta working workshop. There, I'll have easy 360deg access to the machine w/o moving stuff around. Optimal wiring routing seems like it's gonna require a bit of creativity and stress-free access to everything will help.

Not sure if I'll be able to make any more progress this weekend, but early in the week things will proceed, including acquisition of the glass.

Also am faced with one of those trivial decisions I'm kinda bad at: which power switch to purchase/use. I'm almost tempted to make a Frankenstein-style scissor switch and bolt it on the side. OK..., just kidding. I think. Yes! OK! I'm kidding.

Have a great weekend!