I bought this 3d printer here

It uses a MKS Base 1.2.

My problem is that the extruder and heating bed won't heat up. I have tried uploading the marlin firmware also.
The temperature sensors are working properly though.

I've tested the extruder and heating bed manually. The extruder heats up when connected to a 9v battery. The heating bed does not but the 9v battery gets really hot instead.
Also the motors won't turn on either....

I tried to bypass the heating step by manually heating the extruder and turning off heating bed support.
At the specified extruder temperature the LCD just displays, "Heating complete" for a few mninutes......then it switches to "Printing..." but nothing is moving.

What is absolutely clear is that the printer tries to print. The LCD displays the changing coordinates of the extruder but onbviously the extruder isn't moving since the motors aren't turning