Hi, Craig

Im in the market for a 3d printer and have come across the copperhead and am really intrigued by your company's attention to the education industry. I'm getting a printer to help with the of a prototyping a product I'm working on but I wanted to to use this opportunity of discovery (I've never tried to invent something before, let alone use a 3d printer) to teach my daughter about science, technology, engineering and creativity. I guess the real question I'm trying to ask here is whether your teaching curriculum and methodologies are available to the general public. My daughter is still very young and I'm afraid of presenting too much to her at one time that it becomes overwhelming and she looses interest. As I go through the learning process I would love for her to participate but in a non "work" manner. i want her to see that this is fun and inspiring, not just some geeky hobby that daddy does.