I'm playing with using Slic3r files on the FF Pro also. Did you use the informaton in this article to set up your start/end gcode? http://www.3duniverse.org/2014/01/05...forge-creator/

The 'M109' line in the start.gcode sets the print bed temperature. I use 'M109 S60 T0' or 'M109 S50 T1' for my PLA printing, and my bed is heating up.

Are you opening your .gcode file in replicatorg to print, or are you compiling to an x3g file? I don't run windows, so I'm working on getting the files to run in replicatorg in my setup.

My current problem is that the print bed sizing is not being set correctly. I've set it the 'bed shape' section of the printer settings (X=228, y=150, which should be correct). When I try to run the print, it homes correctly, waits for the printhead/bed to heat, and then zooms off to the back corner of the bed to start printing off the end of the X-Y stops. There is some sort of multiplicative factor that I'm not seeing in either the settings or the gcode, that I have to correct for...

