Which post are you referring to? I am wading through the ABL thread on the riprap forums and must not have gotten that far.

The software vs hardware pins are I think the part I am getting turned around on. When you are just learning these things and there are all these little gotchas, it is confusing. My search for a hardware/software pinout has been fruitless.

Okay, so I understand what you are saying. Since I am not using a thermocouple, this pin is unused. The question is, is it still defined? Should the following be uncommented to look like this?

//#define TEMP_1_PIN 5 // ANALOG NUMBERING - connector *K2* on RUMBA thermocouple ADD ON is used

I found the following code that is different from the code I put in the post above. This code was reportedly added to the pins.h file to get a servo working on the Rumba. The first part, where it defines (software) pin 5 to servo0 is the same. But why the difference in the second part? This was referenced in the same thread on page 8.

#define SERVO0_PIN 5

#if NUM_SERVOS > 1
#define SERVO1_PIN 4


In order to put a more complete how-to together, I also need to modify the servo section in the config.h tab to activate the servo for ABL use.

// Number of servos
// If you select a configuration below, this will receive a default value and does not need to be set manually
// set it manually if you have more servos than extruders and wish to manually control some
// leaving it undefined or defining as 0 will disable the servo subsystem
// If unsure, leave commented / disabled
#define NUM_SERVOS 1 // Servo index starts with 0 for M280 command

// Servo Endstops
// This allows for servo actuated endstops, primary usage is for the Z Axis to eliminate calibration or bed height changes.
// Use M206 command to correct for switch height offset to actual nozzle height. Store that setting with M500.
#define SERVO_ENDSTOPS {-1, -1, 0} // Servo index for X, Y, Z. Disable with -1
#define SERVO_ENDSTOP_ANGLES {0,0, 0,0, TBD,TBD} // X,Y,Z Axis Extend and Retract angles

Finally, in the videos that Michael (ZenmasterM) posted he listed servo angles for extend and retract. When looking at his setup the probe he is using retracts towards him. The parts I downloaded from Thingiverse has the probe retracting into the extruder, the opposite direction. My guess is my numbers will be flipped compared to his. More like 60, 180.

I know there was a lot in this post but all your input is appreciated.