Hmmm interesting! Yeah, well, it would have to work otherwise they would have to refund the buyer all those subscription costs. That or send a fully working printer.

I think con is a bit of a strong word and too early to make a statement like that just yet. A con would be paying for something then not getting it. At least they are providing you parts each month. I think its too early to tell whether they will be high quality or not. Did you get the first edition yourself then? I got 2 metal rods and a plastic slider thing. They seem fine. Too early to say that the parts are low quality or not. Not sure what's coming next as there's no mention of what parts come when, only that later issues will cost around £15 due to the expensive parts.

But you are right in that it will take around 2 years to build at a cost of around £700. It could be fun if you've got more money than sense to spend on such things and want to have a go at it and learn the workings of a 3D printer at the same time. But definitely for more common folk only on a modest wage I can't really see the point in it myself. Better off like you said, putting that money into a savings account and buying a 3D printer in a couple years time. They'll probably be better and much cheaper by then. But you know what people are like. That said, there's gotta be a few thousand people at least that have purchased the first edition and are excited to receive the 2nd one. And there may be those that are missing subscriptions and hence, certain parts. So maybe a forum for My 3D Printer builders could become quite useful to and if such people exist and that scenario happens to come about.

My opinion is, if you've got the money and you enjoy doing these things as a hobby then go for it. But like you say, you might be better off just holding out and waiting for 3D printer prices to drop. Then purchasing one at a cheaper price or even a used one. I would be very surprised in 2 years time if someone says I have finished building my 3D printer from all the parts in the magazine and have printed out many things since. But I guess we'll just have to see.