Yes, Simplify3D will control the printer and be like Repetier on steroids. Unfortunately they do not have a trial version but the guys are really nice. If you try it and don't have success, they'll work with you to sort it out. If that fails I bet they'd be willing to work something out with you. They are good guys.

Ah Ha, that could be it. The board could be working but turning the stepper so slowly you can't see it happen making you think the board is dead. See, that's what's good about forums, right?

So, when you got your printer did you have any instructions about setup or installation? If so, what that was most likely was how to get your printer connected to the firmware and flash the board with the commands. Do you know what firmware you use? Since you asked the question, probably not. Do you have a setup or installation document that you could attach for me to read? It might help me determine what you have.