Thanks again Alibert, I did (well am doing another print) I set it to 195c but didnt halve the speeds. I will have to google the 100mm passing filament... cause I have no idea where in makerware that setting was (I should find a slicer and just stick with it). I am still shocked the first print I attempted did awesome until the head...if I could get ReplicatorG to add supports I would be doing better, as of now its exporting a x3g model that is normally 3mb as 495 bytes. No idea why it decided to choke.

The latest build at 195c still produced a shoddy base, and what makes me really go hmm is that it fails in different ways on the head of this model. Like different sides of the I am still impressed with the first models detail on the shirt, all other attempts even though im getting the thumbs up has not near the detail on the shirt. I like that you have a qidi, and yes I am using the same stuff it came with. I am learning a ton though, just tinkering in the slicer a few things clicked of aha- thats what it is.. etc. I should check the firmware and find a good slicer. What do you use as a slicer? Tomorrow I will try again with the diff temps and halving the speed.

I took a video of this latest print at the 195c (wont post it was 54mb) but it showed the head getting all whisked around like it was gummy..the whole thing. It seems like its not cooling fast enough? or something it is mushy and that is why I think the head prints with holes etc, its not gummy though (like that first print that was just a ball of jacked up plastic). So far though happy my catan tiles turned out okay want to slice those again with the more shells to see if those pits and holes go away