Okay I almost got this. My replicatorG did something funky....basically after I put on full support (or even the other one) it gets stuck in the generating toolpath for model. I see the Skeinlayer analyzer tool, and i cant do anything just click close (am i supposed to do something here?), once I do it 'finishes' generating the gcode but exporting to x3g seems to do nothing as printing it has 215 for temp when I say 210 and still doesnt do supports. So I moved onto the makerbot desktop (makerweare?) and after finally figuring out how to set it to just use the left extruder... I got this with the following settings:

Temp was 210
Travel speed 150
z-axistravel speed 23. Minimum layer duration 8
extrusion speeds: not sure what was important here... but things like bridges ffirst layer first layer raft were all 50 or less.... infill and insets were 90
outlines 40 and raft was 45, raft base 10 ms
infill default layer height .20 mm
model properties were layerheight .20 mm and shells of 3. (more on this later)
roof and floor were .80mm
coarseness .00010mm
fixed shell starting point selected
multi material was set to do from the left extruder

raft was checked, left do default
supports and bridging :

support, leaky connections, align support all selected. Support angle was 68. spacings were all default for replicator dual
Extruders were left at default of diamter 1.77, retraction distance 1.3mm retraction speed 25mm/s, restart speed 25mm/s and extra restart distance to 0 and speed 25mm.

That said my questions on the results below:

In an odd twist my first print went great on the replicatorG up to the thumb... everything else was good though, mostly the legs were smooth both of them.
This print, the base was bad no idea why, I thought more shells fixed the holes...it was like the stuff wasnt sticking to itself or when the extruder moved up it yanked a bit of put down material up with it (sorta like a bent up piece of plastic from the layer)... also the right leg is bumpy sharp bumps, no idea why, but its smooth.

The detail was less than the settings I used above for my first print on the vault boy...no belt showed up and the hand against hip was not even close. Oddly arm thumb and head all printed (supports went around the neck, not sure why it was so zealous for that or how one cleans that up) the oddest thing was the face was like caved in on the left and the head had a hole on it. Again I thought shells fixed these things? Final thing that was confusing was this back left shoulder where no supports were was like 'over hanging' a few layers on the ones below it... picture too. So I am feeling I am learning more but then something new happens (the holes in the base really puzzle me). So from here what to tweak? Temperature again (this was 210) ? is it a leveling issue? was leveled before...i could relevel? ( what does bad leveling look like?)

Thanks again for the help as I learn this process...


