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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Southern California
    Add jedimasta on Shapeways Add jedimasta on Thingiverse
    After reading stellar reviews on this printer and seeing a healthy price drop on Amazon, I begged my wife to let me pull the trigger and get this. So far I'm REALLY happy, but I feel so green when it comes to printing. Straight out of the box I used MakerWare to print the 20mm test box in ABS which seemed to work great. Last night I tried to print one of my own models, a small figure I modeled and had printed previously through Shapeways. I used PLA this time, but it didn't go as smoothly this time. It might have been that the details of the model were too small, but the final print came out ragged and just a mess. I noticed a few times that the extruder had filament on it, just kinda hanging in space while it moved and occasionally the plastic just didn't seem to adhere to the previous layer.

    Would you guys mind sharing some of your setting for PLA prints? I'm guessing it's user error, either with nozzle temp, plate temp, speed, etc . . . that I just haven't become acquainted enough with to know any better. Any tips you have would be great. Thanks!

    -edit: I'm starting a new thread. Might be helpful.
    Last edited by jedimasta; 06-09-2016 at 04:28 PM. Reason: starting a new thread

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