A million times yes! It's very hard to find a proper 1/8" shim that fits the QIDI Tech. I've tried slicing off 1/8" from the standard 1/4" shims but due to how they are modeled (or my bad editing), it produces "thin ceilings" sort to speak.

Edit: The reason I went with 1/8" glass is that's the standard depth of glass. I went to a framing shop and they said all their glass is 1/8" and 1/4" is "only used for mirrors, typically". I didn't want to pay $20 + shipping for 1/4" glass from McMaster. Where did you guys all get your 1/4" glass? I am surprised that's the standard.

Quote Originally Posted by KludgeGuru View Post
I prefer the 1/4" glass, I figure it is stronger and I'm less likely to break it. And really do you think the 1/8" build height will make that much of a difference? I haven't had the need to print anything at the maximum build height yet.

Also sygyzy has had a hard time finding a Z-Axis shim that will work for the 1/8" glass... I'm supposed to modify the design of one I made for 1/8" glass but haven't had time yet. Hopefully this weekend.