Quote Originally Posted by printbus View Post
The braided sleeving is great, but it can be a pain to work with. Unless it is cut with a hot-knife machine, the cut end on many kinds will tend to unravel as you do anything with it. TechFlex is a company name, with a wide range of products. I highly recommend searching specifically for the TechFlex Clean Cut material. It tends to unravel less when cut with just a scissor. I purchased a couple of different sizes from eBay for using in my build. I found the 1/4-inch size especially good at remaining intact.
Good tip. I'll have to try the clean cut.

I've been using the cheap stuff, sold on eBay by seller "furryletters". It can unravel, but I just cut it with scissors and try to be careful with it. I secure the ends with heat shrink and zip ties. Another approach is hot glue lined heat shrink. I've been known to cut a sliver off a hot glue stick and shove it in the heat shrink to help secure the sheathing so it doesn't pull out. Zip ties are easier.

One other tip: the sleeving melts very easily. Be careful when shrinking the tubing. I actually use a hot air solder rework station, which is way overkill, but really easy to control.