Quote Originally Posted by wirlybird View Post
Well, took the plunge but got a great deal on a FF Creator Pro - couldn't resist - having to much fun with this. Guess I'll hanger the RC Helo's for now!!

Pretty nice printer but there are some things right away that I like better on the QIDI. The side panels are are not see through and the left on can not be removed because the limit switch is part of the panel. This can probably be changed by making a new mount. The right side panel is free to come off. The front door swings to the left pretty good but I haven't figured out how to take it off yet.

Spool mounts are ok but could be better. The filament holder for tubes is desperate for improvement. This is my first big print!!

Front control panel is angeled up so it is easier to see. Top plexiglass is one piece but have not tried it yet.

Bed is very similar to the QIDI, actually most of the innards are.

First test print from SD card in PLA came out nice.

The included software seems capable with features but I haven't tried it. It's called flash print but is probably a Cura version.

Has responded fine to S3D. This machine is destined to get the Flexion extruders, eventually.
That looks like exactly the same place the QiDi-X1 was sitting just a few days ago W. Definitely time to put the Helo's in the hanger.