Quote Originally Posted by jfkansas View Post
I can only think it is left nozzle drag. He didn't say which nozzle was printing, but I would remove the left nozzle and see if that helps.

Interesting idea. On my original install of the new extruders the right one was a fraction lower and I shimmed it up. I did the same shim on this rebuild but maybe with the gantry and all having been completely out and reinstalled is now a tad lower than before. If printing with the left nozzle the right would be in a relative position for the actual opening in the part.

However I do not recall seeing any scarring on the part from nozzle drag and also, the part printing on the right (part on the left is in the pic) has the same formation and the right nozzle would be over empty bed.

Still an interesting theory. I will explore more tonight.