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  1. #11
    @ huberbobas LOL... It's very easy to call something crap when you don't own it. You must understand that Zortrax has only been out for a few months. Improvements will be made. I'm pretty sure the first cell phone was not even close to what it is today. (I had one, Motorola brick, now Galaxy S4) I feel sorry for you. You want the very best out of the gate. Just doesn't happen. You must be a young pup with no life experience. Your attitude will change in time.(If it doesn't, I feel sorry for you) You don't seem to understand how technology progresses. WITH FEEDBACK FROM USERS!!!! I'm glad that Zortrax is not for you. Buy a Stratasys!!!!!! That should keep your wallet busy. I happen to like my Zortrax. Good luck in your endeavours..
    Last edited by kyle; 03-07-2014 at 07:56 PM.

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