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  1. #11
    After zortrax just recently disabled the "orders and shipping" forum section because numerous discussions they did not like to be public some users decided to post questions elsewhere:

    Before it gets deleted here is a copy:

    user kazz911

    1. We are sitting on beta software - with no updates in a long long time - and no progress reports at all. It has been > 1 1/2 months since last update - and we still can't auto calibrate the printer - and need to switch it on/off after each print to keep the heated bed hot.

    2. We have been promised ability to buy spare parts - nothing has happened.
    3. A mock up of a "Enclosure" to keep temperature stable was promised for just after Chinese new year
    4. Delivery of PC ABS?
    5. [edit] Almost forgot - 2nd extruder support - [ quote from Zortrax december "Dual Extruder upgrade is almost finished - we have a few cosmetic fixes. We can't promise a date but should be February or March"]
    I'm just feeling that Zortrax does not care about us at all - or have other more "pressing issues"
    I'm not far from putting my M200 up for sale - only due to complete lack of response(ability) shown from Zortrax. I only bought because they "used to be" very responsive.
    I don't know if you feel the same. But I'm feed up with having a 1/2 functional printer.
    Hi Julia, I, among other things, do ARM micro-controllers for a living... 6 weeks is a LONG time when customers are already all on beta test "firmware" (lets be true - and call it Alpha test - beta test is reserved for "Feature complete and thought to be bug free" releases. Alpha release are releases with known bugs that are not feature complete. - most companies have forgotten the definitions though and call everything beta)
    Small Issues:
    1. Sensor connector for the heated bed - is not really meant to be unplugged a lot. I don't have the spec sheet for that exact connector - but I would guess it is designed for max 200-500 disconnects. I don't have any good ideas on how to solve it - but I would stock a spare sensor cable and heated bed
    6 weeks is a long time to fix a stupid bug like heated build plat "reset needed" - things like that should be fixed same week it is reported. I'm not complaining that I can't print in higher / lower resolution. But I do want my printer to be able to run without I have to turn it on / off all the time. I also want that auto calibration. Those two issues are important. Next is the print quality - that should be better on the underside of prints. Rest - fine that they are not implemented right now - but a bit of openness would be nice - like this is our "release plan" - without dates on it.

    Please remember - I did NOT buy as a Kickstarter. I bought after Kickstarter printers started shipping - and this forum was band new. Things happened quickly - lots of updates - and a reasonable amount of openness.
    Now it is all about "closing" everything off - download of manual need serial number entry, no communications about what is going on. I think Zortrax think they are Microsoft. But again - that is just attitude. Right now Zortrax can not rely on me for recommendations - I tell people to stay far away at least until the brochure listed features are completed.
    I don't know what I'll buy - but I think I'll go back to Ultimaker. At least they fix their bugs within reasonable short time (<2 weeks after I report a bug) - for indoor things I have gone back to using my Ultimaker I - since the lower surfaces look a lot nicer. Now I only use the Zortrax for outdoor stuff that has to be ABS.

    Last edited by huberbobas; 03-22-2014 at 01:30 PM.

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