Quote Originally Posted by svt04cobra View Post
That's the thing with Blender. I'm just learning. The interface sucks for 3D printing. I am not looking for free. I'm looking for ease of use / learning. It seems Fusion 360 is more user friendly but lacks beginner training. So I can make a hole in a round object easier with Fusion 360 but when its time to check the file for print it has a bunch of issues I can't resole because I don't know enough or why its even happening.
I deleted F360 and I posted on their forums why and people agreed with me. Autodesk is a nasty company to start with and they have this philosophy that you will do it their way in their UI or you can get lost while most other systems allow you to configure the input to your style. At least I wasn't alone in why I deleted it but Autodesk never once replied but many others did. That arrogance I can do without as this is the 21st century and the operator shouldn't have to mold to the program but instead the program should be easily configurable and F360 is not.

Solidworks is a nice program and very flexible except for one thing and that is X/Y/Z is hard coded and they refuse to change it. So, you make a model that looks right on the screen then the last thing you should do is add a new coordinate system with the way 3d printers work in orientation and be sure to use that coordinate system when you save off your stl (or whatever format). Doing that makes the screen happy and your model is right for printing. I do this all of the time when I save stuff for Thingiverse.