tookys, thrust me, they are working hard to make everything shipped very soon. I know how much you want it, as I am in the same boat... I want to test this thing, print case for my project, print toys for my kids, etc... but if they ship you a Beta product that dosent work well, you'll be even more frustrated. Betting doing this right the first time with a couple a week more. Think that this haven been done before, it's not like they could rely to something already existing.

It's a Beta, not an Alpha. You need a working Peachy to test if something could be better and improve thing. Alpha (current stage) is when thing are barely working.

Also, just want to point something about your last statement. Kickstarter is a way to help "kick start" a business, not to buy stuff. You did invest into Rylan cause you trusted he will do a something great. In exchange, Rylan if offering you a Peachy and a change to be among the first to Beta test the products. You did not "buy" a Peachy, it's a reward!

Dont ask for a refund, they are very near to give you something (as a Beta tester) and I'm sure you will regret it if you pull out! Also, as far as I know, they say they were still on track for the customer delivery, just delaying the beta kit.

btw, they seems to do an update every 2 week approx, I'm sure we will see something soon (since if have been almost 3 week)! They must be busy packing thing!