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  1. #651
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob View Post
    I'm thinking.
    Download beckdac and unzip.
    Load files into arduino.
    Copy old configh file.
    Delete new configh file from beckdac.
    Paste my old configh into beckdac.
    Will that work?
    I would suggest getting Arduino to compile the BeckDac release clean with no errors as a starting point. Make sure you can do that with your board set in Tools/Boards. Then, I would use a difference program to compare the two Configuration.h files, and cross over the important settings.

    I would not just copy the old file and replace the new file because you are going to break other stuff that has to be there. Unfortunately, you need to go through line by line and cross over the changes. But a good visual diff program will make that just a 5 or 10 minute nuisance.

  2. #652
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deividmaxx View Post
    I think that this is a bug of marlin.
    I have reviewed all the connections, I have even taken the Ramps and I reviewed the board. Everything works fine.

    Servo vibrations seem to engage the pwm output used with extruder to maintain the temperature. Watching the LED that indicates that the extruder is warming, flashing agrees with the vibrations of servo.
    Are you using the BeckDac flavor of Marlin? If not, can you try moving to it? Nobody has seen this behavior with the BeckDac version. If you still see this strange behavior with BeckDac, it will be easier to help you because that is the code I am running right now.

  3. #653

    Trying to keep a level-head!

    Hey Roxy

    Just wondered whether you could shed any light on a problem I'm having with auto levelling on a Lulzbot Taz 5 (Rambo 1.3). It's sooooo close to working!!

    I built a small capacitive sensor circuit which I installed and replaced my old, static z endstop with. I then installed and configure the BeckDac firmware as recommend (from page 48ish).

    I seem to be getting very accurate, repeatable results with the sensor, however, whenever I print the levelling seems too close towards the front-left (closest X0, Y0) and then, if anything, too high towards front-right. The Z-Axis is moving though, so it's obviously trying to compensate.

    I do have a glass print bed, and there were suggestions the sensor might not be reading correctly, so I am no printing on a sheet on aluminium but results remain the same.

    Here's the calibration piece I'm trying to print:

    Test Print.jpg

    My start code is:

    G28 ; home all axes
    G29 n5 ; auto level bed

    If I run 'G28 ; G29 V4 T n5' I get this:

    ******* FIRST RUN ********
    RECEIVED: Eqn coefficients: a: 0.01 b: -0.00 d: 0.89
    RECEIVED: Bed Height Topography:
    RECEIVED: --1.61390 --0.90640 --0.21327 +0.44360 +0.99610
    RECEIVED: --1.32577 --0.66765 --0.06640 +0.48798 +0.97235
    RECEIVED: --1.07202 --0.44702 +0.06423 +0.53923 +0.94985
    RECEIVED: --0.85202 --0.27327 +0.18798 +0.61548 +0.99423
    RECEIVED: --0.67702 --0.14577 +0.26923 +0.70360 +1.03673
    RECEIVED: planeNormal x: -0.01 y: 0.00 z: 1.00
    RECEIVED: Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    RECEIVED: 0.999958 0.000000 0.009196
    RECEIVED: 0.000020 0.999998 -0.002187
    RECEIVED: -0.009196 0.002187 0.999955
    RECEIVED: ok

    ******* SECOND RUN ********
    RECEIVED: Eqn coefficients: a: 0.01 b: -0.00 d: 0.88
    RECEIVED: Bed Height Topography:
    RECEIVED: --1.61460 --0.90898 --0.22023 +0.44415 +1.00790
    RECEIVED: --1.33210 --0.67273 --0.06773 +0.48540 +0.97602
    RECEIVED: --1.07460 --0.45835 +0.06727 +0.54352 +0.95040
    RECEIVED: --0.84960 --0.27273 +0.19102 +0.61477 +1.00227
    RECEIVED: --0.67273 --0.14210 +0.27165 +0.70165 +1.03040
    RECEIVED: planeNormal x: -0.01 y: 0.00 z: 1.00
    RECEIVED: Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    RECEIVED: 0.999958 0.000000 0.009216
    RECEIVED: 0.000020 0.999998 -0.002196
    RECEIVED: -0.009216 0.002196 0.999955
    RECEIVED: ok

    ******* THIRD RUN ********
    RECEIVED: Eqn coefficients: a: 0.01 b: -0.00 d: 0.88
    RECEIVED: Bed Height Topography:
    RECEIVED: --1.62077 --0.91577 --0.21203 +0.44672 +1.01423
    RECEIVED: --1.33452 --0.67515 --0.06953 +0.48735 +0.97860
    RECEIVED: --1.07515 --0.45390 +0.05860 +0.53860 +0.94423
    RECEIVED: --0.85015 --0.27015 +0.18672 +0.60422 +1.00860
    RECEIVED: --0.66453 --0.13703 +0.26860 +0.70047 +1.04172
    RECEIVED: planeNormal x: -0.01 y: 0.00 z: 1.00
    RECEIVED: Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    RECEIVED: 0.999957 0.000000 0.009226
    RECEIVED: 0.000020 0.999998 -0.002206
    RECEIVED: -0.009226 0.002206 0.999955
    RECEIVED: ok

    I have the bed purposely quite uneven as I was struggling to tell if the Z-Axis was moving at all to begin with.

    I've attached a couple of config files in case they help at all.

    Final thought on probe offsets, I believe these are correct. Probe is directly in front of extruder on X axis (0), is 30mm in front of extruder in Y axis (-30), and the gap between the extruder and bed is 2mm which Z is homed (-2).

    Any thoughts or recommendations gratefully received! Thanks!!

    PS. I've just taken some manual readings from a matching 9 points around the print bed after performing a G28 to home. These are the results which seem to match nicely with what the sensor is saying (+- 0.1).

    Y / X | 30 | 147 | 262
    285 | -1.7 | -0.2 | +0.8

    170 | -1.0 | 0 | +0.9

    55 | -0.5 | +0.3 | +0.9
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Astek777; 08-14-2015 at 10:50 AM.

  4. #654
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    That is a lot of difference between the back left and the front right. I would suggest you use the T and V options to level that out as well as you can. You want to get that difference less than .5 mm and preferably, even less than that.

  5. #655
    Thanks for reply.

    So is the routine not able to cope with such large offsets? I only ask as I saw some videos of people printing on really slanty beds (1cm+) just to prove it worked.

    As I said in my previous post, it was nearly level originally but I was still getting the same results in the same places as I am now. I was actually getting better results at the time if I just did a G28 and printed without doing a G29 at all, so seems a little odd.

  6. #656
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    Well... There may be more going on than you realize. It depends on your printer, but a lot of times when people are having trouble they can make the problem go away by specifying more points. Usually a 3 x 3 grid is sufficient. But sometimes, it is necessary to go up to a 4 x 4 or even a 5 x 5 grid.

    Also... It would be helpful for you to do an M48 command at a few places on the bed and see how repeatable your probe is. If the number is too big, that directly factors into how well the Auto Bed Leveling can compensate. Can you post a few M48 commands for us?

  7. #657
    Originally I was using 2x2, but generally I've been using 3x3. For the examples above in my original post and further testing I've been doing over the last couple of days I've been using 5 x 5. They all seem to give the same results in the same places.

    Here are the results of the M48. I did the 4 corners of my probing square, plus the centre:

    M48 x32 y23
    RECEIVED: Mean: 2.164063
    RECEIVED: Standard Deviation: 0.002223
    RECEIVED: ok
    SENT: M105
    SENT: M105
    RECEIVED: echo:endstops hit: Z:2.16
    endstops hit: Z:2.16

    M48 x262 y23
    RECEIVED: Mean: 3.819562
    RECEIVED: Standard Deviation: 0.001582
    RECEIVED: ok
    SENT: M105
    SENT: M105
    RECEIVED: echo:endstops hit: Z:3.82
    endstops hit: Z:3.82

    M48 x262 y253
    RECEIVED: Mean: 3.848125
    RECEIVED: Standard Deviation: 0.001452
    RECEIVED: ok
    SENT: M105
    SENT: M105
    SENT: M105
    RECEIVED: echo:endstops hit: Z:3.85
    endstops hit: Z:3.85

    M48 x32 y253
    RECEIVED: Mean: 1.183125
    RECEIVED: Standard Deviation: 0.001768
    RECEIVED: ok
    SENT: M105
    SENT: M105
    RECEIVED: echo:endstops hit: Z:1.18
    endstops hit: Z:1.18

    M48 x149 y172 (X/Y Safe Home Position - Centre of Bed)
    RECEIVED: Mean: 2.000750
    RECEIVED: Standard Deviation: 0.002634
    RECEIVED: ok
    SENT: M105
    RECEIVED: echo:endstops hit: Z:2.00
    endstops hit: Z:2.00

    Thanks again for your time looking at this.
    Last edited by Astek777; 08-14-2015 at 03:50 PM.

  8. #658
    Super Moderator Roxy's Avatar
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    OK... The repeat-ability seems fine. It is plenty good. I think you should try to level the bed as perfectly as you can and try printing again with a 4 x 4 grid. It that still has issues, please post another G29 T V4 n5 so we can see how the bed looks once it is better leveled.

  9. #659
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Thanks Roxie for your help. I have the code the same now. I will try to load it up later today and see what it does.
    Thanks again. I REALLY do appreciate it. Other forums just don't seem to want to respond.

    Bob Keyes

  10. #660
    Hi Roxy

    OK, I've levelled the bed back out so it's now within about 0.3mm across the bed.

    I've done two test prints, one using G28 followed by G29 T n5, and one just G28. The print with just G28 seem to print better, although far from perfect. The one with bed levelling was far too close on the front-left (nearest X0,Y0) to the point where it was just blobbing.





    Here's the 'G29 V4 T n5' response you wanted to see:

    RECEIVED: Roxy's Enhanced G29 Auto_Bed_Leveling Code V1.81:
    RECEIVED: Full support at
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 32.00 y: 23.00 z: 0.83
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 89.00 y: 23.00 z: 0.96
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 146.00 y: 23.00 z: 0.99
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 203.00 y: 23.00 z: 0.95
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 260.00 y: 23.00 z: 0.82
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 32.00 y: 80.00 z: 0.82
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 89.00 y: 80.00 z: 0.82
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 146.00 y: 80.00 z: 0.94
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 203.00 y: 80.00 z: 0.89
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 260.00 y: 80.00 z: 0.82
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 32.00 y: 137.00 z: 0.70
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 89.00 y: 137.00 z: 0.70
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 146.00 y: 137.00 z: 0.89
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 203.00 y: 137.00 z: 0.77
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 260.00 y: 137.00 z: 0.80
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 32.00 y: 194.00 z: 0.61
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 89.00 y: 194.00 z: 0.70
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 146.00 y: 194.00 z: 0.80
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 203.00 y: 194.00 z: 0.80
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 260.00 y: 194.00 z: 0.80
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 32.00 y: 251.00 z: 0.38
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 89.00 y: 251.00 z: 0.61
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 146.00 y: 251.00 z: 0.74
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 203.00 y: 251.00 z: 0.80
    RECEIVED: Bed x: 260.00 y: 251.00 z: 0.74
    RECEIVED: Eqn coefficients: a: 0.00 b: -0.00 d: 0.85
    RECEIVED: Mean of sampled points: 0.787550
    RECEIVED: Bed Height Topography:
    RECEIVED: --0.40880 --0.17317 --0.04692 +0.01433 --0.05067
    RECEIVED: --0.17755 --0.08380 +0.01370 +0.01120 +0.00870
    RECEIVED: --0.08567 --0.08567 +0.10308 --0.01880 +0.01683
    RECEIVED: +0.03620 +0.02808 +0.15558 +0.10245 +0.03308
    RECEIVED: +0.04745 +0.16870 +0.19933 +0.16245 +0.02995
    RECEIVED: planeNormal x: -0.00 y: 0.00 z: 1.00
    RECEIVED: Bed Level Correction Matrix:
    RECEIVED: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000586
    RECEIVED: 0.000001 0.999999 -0.001098
    RECEIVED: -0.000586 0.001098 0.999999
    RECEIVED: ok

    Again, any help or suggestions greatly received!



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