Quote Originally Posted by awerby View Post
(...) Why should designers, who have expenses like everyone else, be expected to donate their work to this "community"?

Andrew Werby
Dear Andrew,

If someone wants to make money from their artworks, i obviously understand it and there are other communities made like an ecommerce.
There is currently another thread which i'm sure will answer to all of your doubts and questions.
I saw your works and you are an artist, allow me to quote a few lines from the RepRap Forum Thread regarding my opinions and Makershape values:

"I always lived working as a digital designer in a small office. As i said, this project was born from love for innovation, freedom, artists and makers.
One year ago I just wanted to create something i love from A to Z, something i could be proud of and made for people.

If you look at the incredible things created by the makers, you wouldn't think it's so strange.
Isn't this also the spirit of the Makers movement?
Last year, i really liked the 'Zeitgeist: Addendum' movie and, although reality is very bad most of the times, there are many people working everyday to make a better world. I also love to think about humanity in future evolving like in Star Trek, but i'm sure it won't be ever like that."


Please, for anyone reading this, check the other thread before writing. It would really be of great help if i could follow only that one.

Kind regards,
Giovan Battista