
I suspect part of your problem is moisture getting into the filament. All the plastics absorb water and become brittle and start to print poorly. E.g., I was printing from a roll of pla for a week when the weather was very dry low humidity. All was well. Then it turned rainy and humid and the filament literally broke apart into pieces just sitting on the reel. I rigged up a Rubbermaid plastic container with some holes in the sides for pvc pipe axles. Then put silica gel cylinder from Tractor Supply made for gun safes into the container. Put a small hole for the filament to exit and position the container above your machine to feed the filament into the extruder. This assumes your machine is open at the top.

Or at least store your filament in a sealed container with some type of desiccant in between uses. Some people dry their filament in the oven before first use which will help also. The old keep your powder dry for muskets is todays keep your filament dry....
