Quote Originally Posted by DarkAlchemist View Post
Interesting because I do not print via SD card and I do not get any freezing.

So, it would seem they are interrelated somehow.
Ive just started a print but i can try to disconnect the LCD with the card reader once its finished and see if it makes a difference, but the freezing happens regardless of where the code is coming from, SD or Pronterface/Repetier... And it is also pretty inconsistent, almost gremlin-like. Seems to happen if, like Tyson said, the printer stays connected to Repetier for too many G29s without disconnecting. But that won't apply to SD, and not sure if Tyson is experiencing the same issue but i still do get the freezing on the 9th probe once in a few prints even though I've got to shut everything down to get the SD to initialise.