You could probably have posted this in the thread already created for this printer.

Also, there is a prototype "from the factory"? Who is the manufacturing partner? Also, how does this compare to some of the other DLP printers already on Kickstarter? Sure it is lower priced than the Form1, but it can't compete price-wise against say, the LumiFold. (and will have to once it gets to store shelves)

What intrigues me most is the cheaper resins that are said to be offered, but no information is given aside from "cheap". I don't have $1000 for a DLP printer, but cheap resin always interests me. It should be worth noting that the B9 Creator and Form1 you compare yours to are already compatible with Maker Juice resins, which would definitely qualify as "cheap resin" at $55 per liter for their G+ resin. I'm most intrigued in the investment casting resin you have teased on the KS, any further info on that?