Quote Originally Posted by jackal24 View Post
I am looking at either getting a MakerFarm i3v kit or a Flashforge Creator X Clone. Please convince me to buy one or the other. The i3v has a bigger build platform and is more on the open source side, allowing me to use more software tools. The Flashforge clone has built in dual extrusion and an enclosure. One is a kit, one is prebuilt (advantages to both).
After having both, I would go a Flashforge over a I3. Support is good, but guess what, you probably won't need it.

It's design is just ripped from the Replicator 2, and there has been enough of them made and enough of us that have bought one (I am going on 3 years with my flashforge) and actually printing on an I3 and a flashforge, I can say for sure my preferred printer is the Flashforge as the simplistic design makes troubleshooting printing issues a breeze compared to a double threaded Z axis and a moving Y axis of the I3.


If you want to be printing ASAP without much messing around, buy the Flashforge.

If you like getting your hands dirty and want to get into the guts of your printer/ie flashing firmware etc, picking the right one etc... then spending hours getting the calibration right tearing your hair out while you try and print a simple whistle.. buy the Makerfarm. The plus side however, is Josh. Josh is probably the most dedicated person I've met through all these sites that sells printers and communication with him is a breeze so whatever problems you do encounter, he will sort you out.